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Discussion: Dark rp rule's and general suggestions. posted in Archives

Knowing the nature of dark rp there are going to have to be a somewhat thorough set of rules to cover exploits and disputable occurances.Here I will list a few that I can think of off the top of my head

  1. No RDM (Random Deathmatching) aka killing people for no purpose repeatedly.

  2. Obey the New Life rule: Whatever got you killed you forget it and go on with your busines.So don't run back as soon as you die to kill the guy raiding your base.

  3. Don't prop surf

  4. Don't reconnect just to get stolen money printers back.

  5. Don't Propblock someone elses base

  6. Don't block your base so that there is no physical way in.

  7. Don't prop spam

And now for some general ideas

Custom class ideas

A donator class that spawns with 25 units of armor, a custom modeled but weak gun, and a 20-25% gain on paydays.To counteract any chance of the class being overpowered the benefits are lost when you change to one of the non donator classes.Think of it like a citizen class +. As for the weapon I was thinking something like a double barrel shotgun or a walther ppk pistol.You know something that would work for self defense but in a full blown gang war lose out to automatics.

Good guys

Basic cop: Starts with 25 units of body armor and a glock pistol Limit 4

Sheriff: Spawns with a breaching capable shotgun and 50 armor limit 2

Swat: Spawns with mp5's and 75 armor limit 2

National Guard: Spawns with an m4 carbine and 100 armor limit 1

Bad guys

Rebel: Spawns with a p226 and 25 units of armor Limit 4

Soldier: Spawns with duelies and 50 units of armor Limit 2

Officer: Spawns with a mac-10 and 75 units of armor Limit 2

Terrorist: Spawns with an ak-47 and 100 units of armor Limit 1

Essentially the design is setup to provide an heirarchy for the two general opposing sides.
Also I would suggest throwing out the voting system for certain classes instead leaving it first come first server with option to vote demote.

Opinions are welcome and more suggestions are too.


Spetznaz: Spawns with 100 armor, AS VAL, Makarov, and custom sexy Spetznaz model.Class is only available to Nero the Sable. (This last part was a joke. :D)

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