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Discussion: 2/25/2013 - Group News of the week! posted in Archives

Server updates / Fixes! There will be more tomorrow, this is just for today!



-Added mailboxes

--Team Fortress 2--


-Set mp_match_end_at_timelimit to 0 for all maps except KOTH maps.
-Set mp_holiday_nogifts to 0 (The little gifts that pop out of you when you die!)
-Fixed pre game slaughter not forcing you into melee mode
-Updated the map voting system to use the F1-F5 system as a result of this vote :
[also on a side note, check this out!]
-Installed a system that allows mutes / gags to show up on the Sourcebans home page.

Front Line Fudge

-Set mp_holiday_nogifts to 0 (The little gifts that pop out of you when you die!)
-Fixed Advertisements not showing up
-Minor stability fixes
-Fixed votekicking being a thing for public players
-Changed the mission cycle file to a custom one, now Tf2 updates will never reset it!
As part of the Mvm Vote contest on tf2maps, we'll be playing on the 7 maps for vote, and if you'd like, vote today!
-Added mvm_atomgrad_a6a to the map list
-Added mvm_destruct_b1 to the map list
-Added mvm_isolation_b2 to the map list
-Added mvm_maelstrom_rc1 to the map list
-Added mvm_plateau_b5 to the map list
-Added mvm_sludge_b4_fix1 to the map list
-Added mvm_ventus_b6 to the map list
-Added mvm_manncohq to the map list
-Re added the !robot command giving you robot sounds when you talk / walk


-Added !music for engineers to allow their dispensers to play the unused MVM theme!


-Fixed a problem with Arena mode changing the hostname to a different value
-Fixed a problem with Arena mode not cycling maps like it should of been
-Fixed a possible problem with randomizer that could cause the server to crash
-Fixed a possible problem with the Weapon Blocker that could cause the server to crash
-Fixed and re-added Prophunt to the server rotation
-Updated the map voting system to use the F1-F5 system as a result of this vote :
[also on a side note, check this out!]
-Installed a system that allows mutes / gags to show up on the Sourcebans home page.

Last edited : by Administration

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