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Discussion: The Story of Burke posted in Archives

[left]  Our Story Starts off with our Beloved Dictator [color=red]Mayor Adora[/color] who founded the first "[color=blue]Town of Burke[/color]",
Relatively small at first Burke was the closest founded town by the world spawn and created to help beginners on the MC Adventures. Soon before Burke became what would also be the largest populated town with 15+ occupants having achieved the title "large city" before an unexpected earthquake broke the town(and mod) reverting it back to a small village.

    Seeing what happened to her beloved town now nothing more than a shell of itself Mayor Adora set out East leaving "[color=blue]Old Burke[/color]" with  King_Danny, Requinn, and her new advisory Xero, Together they discovered what is now call East Burke or "[color=green]Jungle Burke[/color]". From there they started to regather their resources in build a-new what was lost. A short time later the team made a discovery "Cats", as a resource for fun and creeper prevention. Soon after Requinn Created a small floating island atop the city complete with a waterfall and plant life,. Seeing this Xero takes it upon himself and what he calls "Paradise Island" and came up with his own Called "Nether hell Island". seeing the dangers it would propose and the rivers of lava Xero decided to make it away from the city "just to be safe", while Mayor Adora Created a "Rain Forest cafe' " and worked on the farms and caring for the animals.

    One Day Xero and Adora were wandering around the nether when they happen across a wild Blaze and then to think "MeGUSTA" Setting up a small camp of nether Farm and potions making and Shroom farming the Mayor Christens there new area the BBC or "[color=orange]Burke Blaze Colony[/color]" After Creating a Portal to grab more water they stumble upon what is Currently "[color=white]North Burke[/color]" a small Taiga and Plains town full of wild animals vast unexplored land of dessert ocean snow and grass as-well as many other renewable resources and minerals. From here what will become of our Brave hero's on there journey ahead of them.

[color=pink][size=18pt]Stay Tuned for the Exciting Adventures of  Mayor Adora And her quest for world domination[/left]

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