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Discussion: Recap of the group chat (2/25/2012) some awesome stuff inside! posted in Archives

First off, we maxed out at 83 people! Biggest group meet we've had ever!

We started off by talking about Minecraft and the minecraft server! First thing we announced was that we finally finished the Admin Shops, all of them opened! They're under the name Mousemart which you can read up on here

We posted that we don't intend to offer more than just the basic minecraft supplies so it gives a point to mining and allows communities to build up their economies based on the goods they create and sell!

{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: You're allowed to buy and sell items from the money you collect by killing mobs
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Mayors of populated towns can use them to buy supplies for public projects, etc like that
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We never were too specific on what would and would not be for sale, but we've decided that for now, we'll be keeping it to basic supplies
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I.e. Stone, Iron, etc
Herakilla: anything else you guys can make your own markets for and try to get money for it etc
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: ^ This
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We don't want to have a control on the economy by undercutting everyone
Herakilla: also if you want to beat the admin store prices, by all means do it :p youre the one making and supplying your shop
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: ^ this also
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: That way, everyone has a change to make some good dosh :P
Tellahleiah entered chat.
Herakilla: we promise we wont drive you out of business
Herakilla crosses fingers behind back
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: ^ This also(2)
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Hey >:C
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: x3
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: And then like, if you're looking to build a tower and stuff
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Moreso with the incoming sky build
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: this'll let you buy some supplies without having to spend time mining
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Since it covers basic stuff

Nothing much after that, we had discussed a series of robberies on the server earlier that day, but nothing worth mentioning. After that, we quickly moved on to Tf2 news! The gist of that is as such...

{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: On all servers, we're adding in new maps, ones that have been play tested by a few of us before,
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: But that's not all
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: 82
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: First off Hale, we have several new maps we'll be putting into rotation
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: All of which are balanced, so everyone will be able to enjoy themselves,
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: You may of noticed recently we put in a word filter
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: As of ... two days ago?
SkunkFox [FUD] entered chat.
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: It not ignores SCG players
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: If you're in the group, you can say whatever you want,
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: As long as it fits within our usual rules :P
{SCG}Fao entered chat.
{SCG}Fao: why fraeven
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Micspamming is allowed for people for who are in the group, anyone else can play for 3 seconds and it mutes them
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Both of these is to cut back on the fact that we get a lot of trolls, but don't want to punish our users wit hthe process
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: And lastly for that,
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: joy long enough for the short annoying spam
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We'll be putting in either a "Popcorn mod" or RTD mod to make up for the fact that there are no more taunt crits for the foreseeable future
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I'm gearing more for
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Popcorn, but I didn't get to try it out yet
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: could you add a cooldown period so they have to wait at least 30 secs?
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Yeah
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Wait, for what?
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: make it harder to evade the time limit
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: moving on...
Fraeven: Could you explain what the popcorn mod is? I've never heard of it, so I imagine many of the others haven't either
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: a short burst of sound can be repeated severla times resetting the 3 sec limit
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Oh, sorry yes x3
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Popcorn mod is similar to Rtd mod, but rather than typing a command to activate it, you have to seek it
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: its an idea is the limit your imposed doesnt work
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: A little popcorn will spawn somewhere and whomever touches it will get a power,
Fraeven: Ah, I see
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: It's random, like rtd
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I want that one more because it forces you to go out and play instead of huddle together like taunt crits did
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Next up, in Chocolate
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We'll be getting more maps as well, a lot of beautifully detailed ones, and balance tested and etc
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Along with that, the nominate feature will start to include maps that won't normally show up on the rotation
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: This is to stop cases where the map list will give you all terrible maps
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: and sort of force a server kill when no one is around to intervene
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: So a lot of the lower "enjoyable" maps won't be there unless they're asked to be
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: Dont leave won't be included in the drawing if you do
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: x3
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: You may of seen the F1 style vote menu already,
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: That was put in place to stop people from press 1 2 and 3 while trying to switch weapons and get a bad map
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: And with Rainbow, nothing much map wise, but we've been busy as hell tweaking the mods so they play right
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We'll be switching out mods with other mods as time goes on, to prevent things from being stale
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: And the most popular question, are we adding in new models? I can only say not at this time :S
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I'll open the chat for questions, if you haven't been in chat before, a heads up that I lock it after a few to answer them in bulk

SCG} Rowdy the Crux: @A few people regarding RTD
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: RTD is Roll the Dice mod, when you enter !rtd, you'd be given a random power
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Stuff like crits, ubers, but sometimes you'd explode or just die
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: So it's like a game of chance,
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: @others, Popcorn mod is the similar concept, but you'd have to run over the popcorn. I personally have not seen it before so it'd be interesting to try out
Dee Dee the Skunkbunneh {SCG}: or worse freeze in place while everyong laughs at your misfortune and takes free hits
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I do know the model is about the size of a crate so you'd have no issue seeing it
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: @Scouto2 , there isn't anything really, but before the mod, there wasn't anything stopping micspammers
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We blocked voice from file, and some programs can get past it,
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: If someone joins the group with the intent to troll, we remove them, so they won't be able to cause further issue
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Make use of the !report feature if you see this happen :P
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: @Brilliam, I can't answer that I'm afraid, it depends on when the creator finishes it
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: @Arroyo , being part of the group simply means that you're a member of it, when you join hale, it checks your profile page to see if you're in scg

There's a lot more to that, but in short...

Chocolate will be getting new maps, and balance tweaks.
Rainbow will as well, and some more tweaks to the mods. Rainbow will also be alternating game mods to keep things fresh, only being delayed by our having to test things.
Hale will be getting new maps, and we'll be testing out fun alternatives to Taunt Crits, which have been disabled as a result of a Tf2 bug with explosion physics calculations.

Overall, the servers will be getting a !currentnews command to let you read the current news while in game. And a !calladmin to pull up a list of online admins. There was more discussed but this is the general stuff you should be aware of :v

Thanks to everyone that joined last night! And if you didn't, come to the next one when we have it, we'll raffle off more prizes :3

Last edited : by Administration

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