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Discussion: SCG @ Anthrocon 2013 - Overview of event! posted in Archives

~~Only less than 100 days left until Anthrcon 2013, and SCG will be there in full force this year! Meaning, they'll be a few more of us there this year than last year.

So far, no details other than we'll be there. The plan is to pick a time , a day and a table in The Zoo where we can all hang out for an hour or so. Fao will be bringing along a little heater thing and I'll make everyone Hot Chocolate!

Planning on coming? Let us know!

We now have a confirmed time![/size]

The SCG meet will take place in the Zoo! At 11 AM on SATURDAY!

Come and stop by our table! Myself and a few other admins will be there, as well as a few others! Come hang out with us!

Last edited : by Administration

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