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Discussion: OCTOAiM - STEAM_0:1:46875665 posted in Archives

**Steam account:**STEAM_0:1:46875665
Minecraft name:
**Date banned:**02-09-12
**Reason(s) banned:**Aimbot
**Description of ban:**Aimbotting
**Name of Admin(s) in charge of ban:**Kenshin

[3:02:32 PM] Rowdy: What did a guy named OCTOAiM do?
[3:02:57 PM] Kenshin: Aimbot /  Speed hacks the second he left respond to get to the field
[3:03:31 PM] Kenshin: he also instantly turned at each player making it so his cross hair was in the center every time
[3:03:56 PM] Kenshin: he even killed me about a Cp away with that brass beast D:<
[3:04:02 PM] Rowdy: XD
[3:04:04 PM] Rowdy: Thanks :P
[3:04:09 PM] Kenshin: in under 6 seconds

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