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Discussion: Upcoming changes with Minecraft + Donators info posted in Archives

Hey guys here! Just a quick word to break out silence with stuff going on, we'll be posting our full plans soon with Minecraft but here is an update!

We are finishing up our plans with the Arena and will be starting the fighting season soon!
We've made a lot of changes with our economy as you've seen, most of which we'll go more into on the forums over the weekend! One thing I'll let everyone know now is that we will be going around and posting up more admin shoppes for everyone to sell their stuff at!

All admin shops will be marked on our map as they appear!

Finally, we'll be opening up Donation options for the server soon. They will work in the same fashion as Tf2 does. Every amount will be accepted and there is no minimum, you get full access no matter what. They will last on a monthly basis with every 10 dollar interval, and lastly. They will NOT be game breaking or pay2win in any way.

We don't have our full list of features yet, but we're just going over the last details now.

That's it for now, come join us in the group chat tomorrow where I'll be explaining more!

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