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Discussion: Standard Rules of Roleplaying Conduct posted in Archives

[color=red][size=18pt][color=brown]Ghetto Larry's:[/color]How to RP and not look like a total loser[/size][/color]
[color=orange][size=24pt]The TUTORIAL[/size][/color]

[img width=700 height=434][/img]

Ya man, this is Ghetto Larry, your friendly neighborhood imagineer. Today, I'ma teach ya'll how to roleplay like a gangsta, and be a whimsical storyteller.
[size=14pt][color=blue]Da Rulez[/color][/size]

Alright man, here are some simple rules all ya'll niggas gotta follow:

[color=green]1. Don't powergame.[/color]

[color=yellow]Explination:[/color] 'Aight man, less say my good friend Bob was ya' 'know, running from some cops, because, that nigga got a lot of dope on his ass. You can't be all

"and then I, the magical Tyrone Biggums, whipped out my 19 foot greatsword, and killed all the cops with one fowl swoop. Because real niggas do it that way".

Nuh man, that's no good. You gotta let Bob find a way to escape, or let the OP control how raped the cops get. It's not up to you man, it's really not.

[color=green]2. The OP (Original Poster, usually the guy directing the RP) has the final say, guy.[/color]

[color=yellow]Explination:[/color] Lets say your character is Lisa, and shes a big bitch. Now, Bob is still running his white ass away from the cops, and Lisa wants to intervene. If the OP asks politely to "Fuck off, before I shoot your ass," then he probably has something in store for the cops. This brosef has probably been around a hood or two, so you best listen to him.

[color=green]3. Always keep it real with the genre.[/color]

[color=yellow]Explination:[/color] Yah man, if these guys are like, escaping on horse and carriage, don't be all:

"I pulled up in my '79 Chevelle and shot those niggas dead"
"And then I drove by in this bitchin' alien ship, and I blasted those niggas dead"

That shit ain't cool. It ruins the story, and nobody likes party fowl.

[color=green]4. Be cool, man.[/color]

[color=yellow]Explination:[/color] Bro, if your main nigga Tyrone gets endowed with some magical crack spawning shit, don't get all jealous man. A good story writer always makes sure that his hoodlums are entertained.

And have some fucking fun with it. Humor is accepted in any RP, just don't use it at the wrong time. If Bob is trying to make out with Lisa, don't pull a cockblock, unless that shit will be bananas funny. If the OP doesn't like, take it off.

[color=blue][size=14pt]Good writes[/size][/color]

Alright guys, I appreciate you readin' in this far. This means you want progress, unlike most of my niggas that live in my hood, if you know what I mean. In this section, I'm 'gunna teach your ass how to write like a true RP professional.

[color=navy]1. Grammar[/color]

This is probably one of the most important parts when it comes to writing. Ya'll gotta use your periods and commas.

You could say "I like dope but this nigga thinks crack is betta'"
"I like dope, but this nigga thinks crack is betta'"

Use your commas to organize your statements!
If ya'll wanna go deeper into this shit, I suggest you find your neighborhood white nerd, and beat his ass down until he teaches you high school English for mary jane.

[color=navy]2. Talk in the Third Person[/color]

There are three main points of view in writing. [color=yellow]First Person[/color], is written from the view of you, in the form of your character. [color=pink]Second person[/color], is written from the point of an unknown being, talking to you, the reader (This is also the rarest form of narration, mind you). [color=maroon]Third person[/color], is written from the view point of a god.
This is our form we want to use while RPing.

[color=white]Examples, color coded, bitch:[/color]
[color=yellow]"I walked up to his bitch ass and curb stomped him"[/color]

[color=pink]"You thought that your bro Tyrone was dead. That nigga took seventeen bullets to his box, but his ass got back up and smiled at you. He spoke "BULLETPROOF NIGGAS!" and ripped off his shirt, exposing his nipples and concrete vest to your eyes. You think you might cry."[/color]

[color=maroon]"Lisa picked up the box of crack off the floor. Bob said "Put that shit back, before you smoke it," then, he backhanded her."[/color]

[color=blue][size=14pt]The End[/size][/color]

I hope all ya'lls got more edumacated than I did. I started out as a straight D student, then I became a crack addict.

Last edited : by Administration

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