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Discussion: A change in management: Looking for two temp admins posted in Archives

Two of our Admins, Ty the Fox and Fao, will be taking breaks from their admin posts for different reasons. Fao has moved to a new home and won't be with proper internet for a while, and Ty is busy with stuff in real life.

While they're both away, we will looking for temporary help with administration!

If you'd be interested in applying, send an email to [email protected] with the following information

Your Steam Name
What times you're usually around
Any past experience you've had with administration before
Any relative irl experienec you've had before
Any groups you've been with before
And names of anyone that could recommend you.

Keep in mind, these will be temp jobs, but your work would be appreciated none the less and may help you get places in any future slots we open up with the new-er servers we open up this year.

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