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Discussion: FURRY NEWZ ALURT : NO MOAR DRAGUN DILDOZ posted in Archives

[6:55:52 AM] Rowdy:
[6:58:47 AM] Fao: :O
[6:59:14 AM] Rowdy: This wouldn't of happened had Athus not died
[6:59:20 AM] Rowdy: Life can sure be a huge dick huh?
[6:59:25 AM] Fao: hahahaha
[6:59:28 AM] Fao: Yeah
[6:59:34 AM] Fao: it's a shame their management got so floppy
[7:00:22 AM] Rowdy: True true, I wonder if their orders will be effected, I'd hate to be a loyal customer just to get boned by the un-responsibility
[7:01:20 AM] Fao: eh You'd get what you wanted eventually, you'd just have to be really anal about it
[7:02:10 AM] Rowdy: Hopefully so, but with such a hot topic issue as this , I doubt the fandom will be flaccid about it any time soon
[7:03:21 AM] Fao: Yes, but surely they don't deserve this backlash...  some of these comments are outright rude, cocky even
[7:04:03 AM] Rowdy: Yeah :/ I feel bad for consistantly making jokes at Athus, but just when you think it's dry, they just keep cumming and cumming
[7:04:05 AM] Rowdy: coming*
[7:04:25 AM] Fao: now you're just being a dick
[7:05:15 AM] Fao: In any case, it seems like the girth of their issues will be resolved simply by filing their paperwork
[7:05:25 AM] Rowdy: Hopefully they don't ball it up
[7:06:58 AM] Fao: Yeah... maybe varka or someone will do a better job of keeping their shit in line.  It sucks that you're so bad at management, even when you're dead, you're still the butt of people's jokes
[7:09:23 AM] Rowdy: He was missed and respected until all of this happened, kind of a shitty epitaph if you ask me.
[7:10:15 AM] Fao: Yeah, I guess you could say his rep kinda got shafted by all this
[7:11:08 AM] Rowdy: Sadly so, once it all blows over though, all of this will just be a little prick in the timeline, and things will be awwighty.
[7:12:55 AM | Edited 7:13:07 AM] Fao: Well, they've had a long, hard run.  Surely they can endure for long enough to renew their contracts...  They're probably used to being stuck between a cock and a hard place
[7:13:26 AM] Rowdy: Oh yeah, I'm sure they can get it up again.
[7:15:01 AM] Fao: Yeah, and maybe hire someone with a little more business sense.  Y'know, lube up the cogs and whatnot. They sure could use the protection.
[7:16:55 AM] Rowdy: Someone who knows how it all works. Control themselves, make sure they don't get it done too late.
[7:19:25 AM] Fao: Yeah, it's bad for business to let your company sink that deep into the shithole that is the american bureaucracy.  Best to slip in, under the radar until you've dispensed enough of your product to make a net gain
[7:19:46 AM] Rowdy: Cock joke
[7:19:49 AM] Rowdy: I'm tired, you win

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