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Discussion: Server Get! McMMO posted in Archives

The server has been updated to have our first true mod!  McMMO which stands for Minecraft MMO!  This mod doesn't change any blocks or textures, and you do not need to install anything client side.

What's new then?!

Well for starters every tool and weapon now has a skill that can be activated by right clicking while it is equipped.  The weapon ones tend to do more damage and cause other negative effects such as bleeding or fire while the tools tend to let you mine faster or multiple blocks at once.  Play around with them until you get the hang of them!

But wait! There's more!

You now have a bunch of skills from Mining to Combat to Excavating!  Every time you do something such as mine (anything! even regular stone!) or do damage with a weapon or your hands, or even just pick up a random flower you will gain some experience towards a specific skill!  As the skills increase you will start getting perks!  Increasing your mining skill will give you a percent chance to get double drops and yes it IS possible to eventually get 100% chance but that requires an insane skill level x3

But wait!  There's STILL more!

Iron blocks are now anvils!  You can now repair Iron and Diamond tools!  And before you ask, YES it IS possible to repair enchanted items!  The downside? You need a repair skill of 50 to be able to repair diamond tools and until you reach repair skill 100 you will not be able to repair enchanted items (100% failure rate to lose the enchantment) and even then you only have a 10% chance of succeeding and keeping the enchantment!  This skill tends to level up really fast in my experience at least x3

There's even more!

You can now form parties just like in any mmo!  These parties can have their own private chat!  Commands are listed below ^.^

The total list of the skills is

Here is a list of commands that might help.

/(skillname any of the words in [color=red]RED [/color]above)
Will display your current level in that skill as well as any passives you earned. Example: '/mining'

Toggles whether or not you can activate abilities with rightclick.

Displays your own personal stats

Lists all the commands


View information on your current party

/party [party name]
Creates or Joins a named party.

/party q
Leaves the current party.

Toggles party chat on/off.

/invite [player name]
Invites the named player to the current party.

Accepts a received party invitation.

/ptp [party member name]
Teleports the player to the designated party member.

/party lock
lock the party you are in

/party password (password)
set a password to your party (only work if party is locked)

Get more details at the wiki!

Let us know what you guys think!

Last edited : by Administration

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