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Discussion: Scripting/Binding Opinion Poll! posted in Archives

Not sure what exactly a TF2 script is?

I've been playing around with scripts the past couple days and am now curious as to what others on the servers think of them. Originally remembered about scripts the other day while wanting to improve sniping accuracy by reducing the mouse sensitivity while zoomed in, and decided to try a few others while at it. I'd used them before, long ago, but had neglected to use them again.

So wondering what other SCG players think of using them. As far as I can tell, the server allows the use of the wait command (Something I'm in favor of.)

Remember when you didn't have an option for auto-reload, or when the pistol was a real semi-automatic? Well that changed because of scripts; we now have auto-reload and an automatic fixed rate of fire pistol because of scripts.

So far I've used scripting:

Most of those script changes you can find already written and available on the TF2 wiki, some are slightly customized to myself, or written myself (such as quick placing dispensers and announcing the need for it.)

If there's enough support I may publish the scripts I'm using and write a how-to guide for everyone on the forum.
If there's enough hate for scripts, I'll remove some of the more powerful ones from my game (such as the engineer destroy/build sentry/dispenser ones.)

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