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Discussion: {7/1/2013} Community journal - Vacation time edition posted in Archives

Anthrocon is this week! Are you going?

Are you coming to Anthrocon? Come meet me and several others in the group! Come check out the details here!

I will not be hosting a movie for this week!

As I will not be here! However, anyone is welcome to volunteer! But please, don't kill each other over who it is D:

Secret things are happening to the group icon...

Secret things >:3

Bring out your creative side!

Two part post! First! The forums have been updated! There is now a creativity board!
Inside this, a music and art board! As well as a board dedicated to SCG things! Like our custom HUD mod. And next...
The first thing we want to try for the summer, would be something creative! For all of you artists in the group, we have something fun we want to try. This idea was given to me by two of my closest friends and we decided it'd be good for the group as well.
Weekly drawing challenges! What kind of challenge? >:3 A personal one. Every week we'll pick a theme, and in the following week, you do your best to draw something pertaining to the theme! You don't even need to be good at drawing, because practice makes perfect.
If you're interested in doing so, take a look at the post on the newly made creativity section ... here!

Second notice about Minecraft!

I posted a message earlier about the latest minecraft update! Come read it here!

Birthdays for this week!

Sandulf - July 02, Tuesday , turning 22

Is your birthday not here? Sign up to the forums! That's where the list comes from!


That's all for this week! Nothing much going on yet but there will be soon! If you guys have anything you want to share with the group, come talk to me or my assistants about it!

And while you're at it! Feel free to contact me for anything you might need!

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