That Vatican Assassin : lol anotehr mute on me
[Lynx ♂] Starman : Ignore isn't working
[Lynx ♂] Starman : Nyah
[Crux ♂] {SCG} Rowdy - Sound off : you were unmuted
That Vatican Assassin : fuck this server
[SM] Kicked That Vatican Assassin
Player That Vatican Assassin from country United States (US) disconnected from IP Kicked by administrator
[SM] Imbalance detected. Possible action will begin in 5 second(s)
Yirktos : starman
Yirktos : there's a !micspam command, isn't there?
[SM] Starman has been changed to BLU to balance the teams.
This server is running Hat Removal, type !togglehat or /togglehat in chat to toggle hat visibility.
Sarcis has found: Frontier Justice
Also available: Rainbow Swirl | ctf_turbine | 0/24 | Going to pl_badwater in 25:58 ( - Say !servers to switch servers.
Player That Vatican Assassin connected from country United States (US), IP
Player That Vatican Assassin was automatically assigned to team BLU
That Vatican Assassin : you cant kick me
That Vatican Assassin : i quit
I muted him for repeatedly playing the same micspam over and over and over. After being asked to stop, I placed a temp mute on him. He then responded this way.